Articles and book chapters


Gray, J. and N. Marres (2022) Articulating urban collectives with data. In: Digital (In)Justice in the Smart City, MacKinnon, V. Fast and R. Burns, R (eds), Toronto: University of Toronto Press.


(2021) No Issues without Media_ms : the changing politics of public controversy in digital societies. In: Swartz, Jeremy and Wasko, Janet, (eds.) Media : A Transdisciplinary Inquiry. Bristol, (UK) ; Chicago, USA: Intellect Books.

Marres, N. (2021) How to think sociologically about the digital society? In: Introduction to Sociology, K. Murji, S. Neal, J. Solomos (eds), London and Thousand Oaks: Sage, pp. 18-36


Marres, N., & Stark, D. (2020). Put to the test: For a new sociology of testing. The British Journal of Sociology, 71(3), 423-443.

(2020) Co-existence or displacement: Do street trials of intelligent vehicles test society? British Journal of Sociology, accepted for publication.

(2020) For a situational analytics- An interpretative methodology for the study of situations in computational settings (proofs), Big Data & Society, July–December: 1–16, DOI: 10.1177/2053951720949571

Marres, N. & de Rijcke, S. (2020). From indicators to indicating interdisciplinarity: A participatory mapping methodology for research communities in-the-making. Quantitative Science Studies, first published online 29 June 2020, 1041-1055.

(2020) Review of Communities at a Crossroads by A Pelizza, Information, Communications and Society,

(2020) As ANT is getting undone, can Pragmatism help us re-do it? The Routledge Companion to Actor-Network Theory. Anders Blok, Ignacio Farias and Celia Roberts (Eds), London and New York: Routledge.

(2020) What if nothing happens? Street trials of intelligent cars as experiments in participation, In: Maassen, S. and Dickel, S. and Schneider, C. H., (eds.) TechnoScience in Society, Sociology of Knowledge Yearbook. Niimegen: Springer/Kluwer.


(2018) Why we can’t have our facts back, Engaging Science, Technology and Society, 4 . doi:10.17351/ests2018.188

(2018) The data city as public experiment? (with J. Gray), London Ideas, 1, Centre for London, July


(forthcoming) Detecting the Socials with Social Media (with Carolin Gerlitz) In Inventing the Social, N. Marres, M. Guggenheim and A. Wilkie (Eds.), Mattering Press, forthcoming)


(2016) Experiments in Participation (with J. Lezaun and M. Tironi). The Handbook of Science and Technology Studies, C. Miller, L. Smith-Doerr, U. Felt and R. Fouche (Eds). Cambridge: MIT Press.

(2016) Experiments in Interpretation. In: Innovative Methods in Media and
Communication Research (S. Kubitschko And A. Kaun (Eds). New York: Springer.


(2015) Mapping controversies with social media: the case for symmetry (with D. Moats) Special issue on Digital Culture edited by T. Gillespie and H. Postigo, Social Media + Society vol. 1 no. 2, 2056305115604176

(2015) Interface Methods: Renegotiating relations between digital research, STS and Sociology (with C. Gerlitz), Sociological Review, Doi 10.1111/1467-954X.12314 (translated in French in Severo M. (Ed), Territoires et traces numériques, Presses des Mines)

(2015) Why Map Issues? On controversy analysis as a digital method, Science, Technology and Human Values, September 2015 vol. 40 no. 5 655-686

(2015) Notes on Objectual Valuation (with C. Lury) in: Making Things Valuable. M.
Kornberger, A. Koed Madsen et al (Eds), Oxford: Oxford University Press.


(2014) The Environmental teapot and other loaded household objects: reconnecting the politics of issues, technology and things. In: Routledge Companion: Objects and Materials. P. Harvey et al (Ed.), London and New York: Routledge (also published in Dutch and English in Key Texts: Open, Cahier on Art in Public Space, July 2012).

(2014) Performing Environmental Change: The Politics of Social Methods (with K. Asdal) Environment and Planning A 46 (9): 2055-2064


(2013) Why political ontology must be experimentalized: On eco-show homes as devices of participation Social Studies of Science 43 (3): 417-443.

(2013) Scraping the Social? Issues in Live Research (with E. Weltevrede) Special Issue edited by J. Law and E. Ruppert on The Device, Journal of Cultural Economy (6, 3): 313-335 (re-published in J. Bouchard et al (Eds) (2015), Evaluation in the Media, Peter Lang, pp. 81-106)


(2012) On some uses and abuses of topology in the social analysis of technology (or the problem with smart meters). Special Issue on Topology, edited by C. Lury, T. Terranova and L. Parisi. Theory, Culture & Society 29 (4-5): 288-310

(2012) Redistributing methods: intervention in digital social research, broadly conceived,’ Live Methods. L. Back and N. Puwar (Eds). Sociological Review Monograph Series 60 (London: Blackwell-Wiley): pp. 139–165.

(2012) The Experiment in Living. In Inventive Methods: The Happening of the Social. C. Lury and N. Wakeford (Eds). London: Routledge (also published in Dutch, in Onzekerheid Troef? H. Dijstelbloem and R. Hagendijk (Eds), Amsterdam: Van Gennep, 2011).


(2011) The Costs of Involvement: Everyday Carbon Accounting and the Materialization of Participation. Economy and Society 40 (4): 510-533 (fragment translated into Spanish in Arquitectura, No. 372 Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos de Madrid, April 2016, pp. 043-048)

(2011) Materials and Devices of the Public (with J. Lezaun). Introduction to Special Section of Economy and Society 40 (4): 489-509

(2011) Experimental Failure: Notes on the Limits of the Performativity of Markets (with Linsey McGoey) Working Paper.


(2010) Frontstaging Non-humans: The Politics of ‘Green’ Things and the Constraint of Publicity. In B. Braun and S. Whatmore (Eds.). Political Matter: technoscience, democracy and public life. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.


(2009) Testing powers of engagement: Green living experiments, the ontological turn and the undoability of involvement. In L. Adkins and C. Lury (Eds.) Special issue on ‘What is the empirical? European Journal of Social Theory 12 (1): 117-133.


(2008) Subsuming the Ground: How local realities of the Ferghana Valley, the Narmada Dams, and the BTC pipeline are put to use on the Web (with Richard Rogers). Economy and Society 37, 2: 251-281.

(2008) The making of climate publics: Eco-homes as material devices of publicity. In I. Moser and K. Asdal (Eds.) Special Issue on The Technologies of Politics. Distinktion, Scandinavian Journal of Social Theory 16: 27-46.


(2007) The Issues Deserve More Credit: Pragmatist Contributions to the study of public involvement in controversy. Social Studies of Science 37, 5 (2007): 759-780.

(2007) There Is Drama In Networks, In Mulder, A. and J. Brouwer, Interact or Die: There is drama in the networks, Rotterdam: NAi Publishers. (re-published in Networks, Documents of Contemporary Art series, Lars Bang Larsen (Ed), Whitechapel Gallery/MIT Press, 2014)


(2006) Net-Work Is Format Work: Issue Networks and the Sites of Civil Society Politics. In J. Dean, J. Asherson and G. Lovink (Eds.). Reformatting Politics: Networked Communications and Global Civil Society. London: Routledge.


(2005) Issues spark a public into being: A key but often forgotten point of the Lippmann-Dewey debate. In B. Latour and P. Weibel (Eds.) Making Things Public. Cambridge (Mass.): MIT Press. (re-published in Swedish as Offentligheten uppstår genom sakfrågor. Fronesis 22/23: pp. 248-263.)

(2005) Recipe for tracing the fate of issues and their publics on the Web (with Richard Rogers). In B. Latour and P. Weibel (Eds.). Making Things Public. Cambridge (Mass.): ZKM/MIT Press.


(2004) Tracing the trajectories of issues and their democratic deficits on the Web: The case of the Development Gateway and its doubles. In: M. Berg, O. Hanseth and M. Aanestad (Eds.). Special issue on Actor-network Theory and Information Systems, Information, Technology and People 17 (2): 124-149.


(2002) French scandals on the Web, and on the streets: Stretching the limits of reported reality (with R. Rogers). Asian Journal of Social Science 30 (2): 339-353.

(2002) May the true victim of defacement stand up! On reading the network configurations of scandal on the Web. In B. Latour and P. Weibel (Eds.). Iconoclash, Image-making in Science, Religion and Art. Karlsruhe/Cambridge: ZKM/MIT Press. [PDF]


(2000) Landscaping Climate Change: A mapping technique for understanding science & technology debates on the World Wide Web (with R. Rogers). Public Understanding of Science 9 (2): 141-163 (re-published In Lindsay Prior (Ed.) (2011). Using Documents and Records in Social Research. London and New Dehli: Sage)

(2000) Depluralising the Web and Repluralising Public Debate: The Case of the GM Food Debate on the Web (with Richard Rogers). In R Rogers (Ed.). Prefered Placement: Knowledge Politics on the Web. Maastricht: Jan van Eyck Editions.